In the ancient 2500-3000-year-old classic text called the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, Qi Bo discussed how "the ancients held yin and yang, the universe, in the palms of their hands".
I believe this line is as literal and is figurative and points to the way that whole-body internal movement creates a balance, or synergy, of yin and yang throughout the entire body and, in doing so, dissolves the contrived, monkey mind aspects of the human being back into being nature.
Nature, itself!
In this clip, I discuss why animals like watching Taijiquan and Qigong and about being nature and how Taiji helps you dissolve and discover "being nature'.
AI also discuss 'whole-body' internal movement as a functional and practical compound explosive movement and a little about your inner ancient jellyfish 👾
Let me know your thoughts below...
Peace - Nicholas Blewett