Discover more about Level 1
the foundations
of Qigong
- Level 1 -
The foundations of Qigong Level 1 Teacher Training is an extremely comprehensive Qigong Teacher Training Program designed to give you all the underlying principles and exercises you need to either 1. build a powerful life-changing personal home-based practice, or 2. to begin incorporating Qigong training programs into your own wellness business, giving your clients the options to get involved in training some amazing new Qi-based exercise medicine.
The practices taught in this course would suit Yoga classes, Pilates classes, Personal Trainers, Acupuncturists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Therapists, Somatic healers, Energy workers as well as other wellness-based therapy or training systems or for people facilitating holistic workshops, events or personal development programs.
Learning to incorporate Qigong into your lifestyle or business offers you the ability to include ancient energy-based movement medicine, breathwork and the medical philosophy of Chinese medicine seamlessly into your programs and reap the benefits of being an industry leader in this emerging exercise system as Qigong begins its rise into the mainstream movement culture and modern energetic/spiritual training consciousness.
Qi Fit's Qigong Teacher Training program will give you a solid foundation of correct structure and movement of Qigong practice as well as the underpinning Chinese Medical theory and Taoist philosophy which forms the basis of Qigong's holistic approach to internal exercise training and human longevity.
With well over 30 practical qigong training exercises, 6 powerful Qigong self-healing practices and specific Qigong exercises to cultivate your energetic healing gifts this course will help you begin developing your internal energy system and help you provide excellent content for integrative wellness classes or your own personal practice!
This course will give you a thorough knowledge of Qigong's why's, how's, when's, do's and don'ts, give you the skills to develop a powerful personal practice or teach Qigong confidently and effectively to a wide range of demographics.
The Foundations of Qigong is the foundational course for all further Qi Fit teacher training programs.

We are an Approved IICT Provider

Contact form here!
Check this out...
Just a few of the Qigong exercises you will be learning!
level 1 certification:
The entire Level 1 consists of 170+ hours of Qigong practical and theoretical training coming into line with professional Yoga Teacher Training requirements for foundational instructor level qualifications.
6 Months 170+ Hours Level 1 Certification
96 hours In-Person Workshop Attendance, including:
Section 1: The Foundations of Qigong – Zen and the Art of Gong Fu.
Section 2: How Qigong Works – What is Internal Movement?
Section 3: The Principles of Qigong Structure and Movement.
Section 4: The philosophy of Longevity and Chinese Medicine in Qigong 1 – What is Qi Health.
Section 5: The 3 Regulations – Breath, Body, Mind.
Section 6: The philosophy of Longevity and Chinese Medicine in Qigong 2 – Chinese Medicine in Qigong.
Section 7: The philosophy of Longevity and Chinese Medicine in Qigong 3 – The Practice of Qigong.
Section 8: Qigong in Integrative Medicine, Training Considerations and Special Populations.
Section 9: Class Management, Creative Programming, Group Practices.
Section 10: Integration and Consolidation.
Section 11: Group Roleplay Training/Class Consolidation
Section 12: Practical Competency.​​
✅ 22 hours (22 weeks) Online class attendance & Workshops
✅ 30 hours personal logbook practice hours
✅ 8 hours Practical Training
✅ Qigong Form Mentoring
✅ Access to a private FB Mastermind Group
✅ Extra tips, hints, and training drills
✅ And so much more!!
For a total of 170+ hours of training!!
170+ Hour Qigong Teacher Training Program, including:
2 Hour Live Online Introduction and Group Meeting (course start/introduction)
4x Weeks Pre-Course Online Learning (14+ Hours)
3x lessons per/week, consisting of 3-4 hours of video content each week, including:
1x Theory Class,
1x Practical Class,
1x Qigong Class.​
Qi Fit Internal Movement Program:
Level's 1 & 2
5x In-Person Workshops (96 In-Person Training Hours)
3x 2-Day In-Person Qigong Immersions @ Capalaba, Brisbane
2x 3-Day In-Person Qigong Immersions @ Capalaba, Brisbane
22 Weekly 1x Hour Online Videos and Live Zoom Lessons
30 Personal Training Logbook Hours
Open access to Online Student Mentoring
Full Instruction Videos on ALL Training Methods and Practices
Video Explanations on How to Apply Chinese Medicine Theories to Increase Health
Tips, Hints and Extra Training Drills on Qigong and Tai Chi
Access to Private Facebook Qigong Mastermind Group, including:
Online mentoring - ask me questions and get written text or video replies!
Build friendships, motivate and support each other and grow together as a group!
Weekly hints, tips and training motivation!
Access all the video lessons and class
discussion and research content! -
Access Extra Content and Extra Training
Drills and Methods!
150-page Course Handbook – Upgraded!
250-page Practical Training Manual PDF - New!
Accredited by the International Institute of
Complementary Therapists Association. -
30+ Qigong Methods from which to Weave
Creative Classes and Training content.

This is not just another Qigong course!
Qi Fit is dedicated to becoming the premier Qigong training provider in Australia and aims to provide high quality, professional Qigong Training to come into line with leading Yoga, Pilates Teacher Training Programs.
Qi fit's level 1 - foundations of qigong is now a certified course and training provider under the
the international institute of complementary therapists

What you get:
Learn the Fundamentals of Qigong
Understand the classical principles of Qigong
Apply the 3 Regulations - Body, Breath, Mind
Philosophy of Longevity in Chinese medicine
Styles and forms, structure and Internal movement
Standing, Lying, Seated postures
10x Qi Development and Cultivation Methods and Tools
2x Yin/Yang cultivation and balancing Qigong methods
2x Acupuncture point & Meridian Balancing methods
12 Zung Fu / Meridian Balancing Qigong forms
3 Circle Standing Qigong (Power Qigong)
Triple Heater / Spleen & Stomach Balancing Qigong
Presence, mindfulness, intention and meditation
Medical Qigong Techniques
Guidelines, Special Populations and Qigong Precautions
Class Structure and Sequencing
Teaching Practices and Creative Program Development Tools
Access to Nicholas Personally via Private FB Mastermind Group
Form mentoring and Development
1x Theory Course Text - 150 pgs
1x Practical Training Manual - 250pgs
Online Support materials
CPD Certified Activity
And so much more...
Find out more here
Accessible to all ages and levels of fitness.
Students with no prior experience in Qigong can easily join classes.
Provides the health benefits of classical Qigong form in a format that aligns with modern lifestyles.
Scalable for different demographics and audiences.
Can be practised in a drop-in/casual class structure.
Used in conjunction with a wide range of holistic mind/body classes, healing workshops and trauma release programs.
Qigong covers a wide range of healing elements, incorporating but not limited to Breathwork, Movement Therapy and Mindfulness Meditation.
Qigong can be used as a fantastic pain management and healing modality,
Qigong is a somatic healing modality.
Provides an opportunity for creative class programming.
Qigong is becoming very popular and is going to be the next Yoga, especially when more people find out about just how good qigong and a qi practice is!
Once Level 1 - The Foundations of Qigong has been completed you can continue to develop your journey and progression into the art of qigong practice and medial qigong practice.
Level 2: Qigong Form Development - Structure and Movement:
Level 2 is about delving deeper into whole-body internal movement principles and practices and utilizing the theories discussed in level 1 such as the Internal Alchemy of Neigong.
Many more qigong practices are given and we will be looking at other qigong methods given by other schools that don't use whole-body movement and learning how to practice these 'dead movement' forms, such as the Ba Duan Jin Qigong and the 12 Animal Qigong methods, with more correct with whole-body internal movement strategies.
For more information on Level 2 training - click here!
Level 3: Advanced Qigong / Using Chinese Medical theory in Qigong prescription:
Using the knowledge from Level 1 The Foundations of Qigong and Level 2 - Internal Alchemy to delve into Chinese medicine diagnosis and Qigong exercise prescription and medical Qigong treatments.
Level 4: Advanced Qi Development and Medical Qigong:
The already learned basic qigong exercises from previous modules are progressed to a more advanced level with every tiny detail covered to take your qigong to a highly energetic healing modality which can then be integrated into all previously learned modules to help you access full-body spinal power for true internal energy cultivation and qi transmission.
Level 5: The Fundamentals of Taijiquan and Baguazhang:
Progressing from standalone qigong methods into a stronger qi development practice incorporating qigong training methods from the internal martial arts to give you longer more flowing qi development movement meditations to help you cultivate an extremely powerful and robust qi practice for supreme health, qi development and qi transmission.
Level 6: Master the Internal Arts:
In this Level, you will learn about the small frame movements of qigong forms and how to use this refined internalized way of moving and training into your personal and medical qigong healing methods.
Leigh - Acupuncturist & Holistic Fertility Coach.
"The reason I chose to work with Nicholas was I was looking for other ways to help my patients...I was looking for a movement therapy that really helped balance the modern lifestyle and to slow down and learn how the body works"
Group Testimonial from Qi Fit's July 2020 Gold Coast Teacher Training course.
"After a couple of minutes with Nick I knew I was in the right place. I wouldn't say it met my expectations. I'd say it exceeded my expectations. It was life-changing..."
Dee, 2020
Gustavo Se - Psychologist, Mindfulness Coach, Yoga Teach and Retreat Facilitator.
"I plan to bring in this knowledge and practices into my the experiences of participants in my retreats so that they can have a more varied experience as well as to tap into the flow of energy in the body..."
Juliana - Acupuncturist and Energy Worker.
Nicholas..."has a really nice energy, he is always very helpful and extremely knowledgable. I have noticed that I can use my own energy in my clinic with clients...to work with my own energy and to pass that into my clients. I would say to anybody wanting to do this course not to think twice".
LOCATION, dates & FEEs
QI-STUDIO in Capalaba is a privately owned Qi-Studio nestled into sacred
indigenous ceremonial land and offers you a quiet, open and natural setting
in which to learn Qigong while grounding into our pristine Australian environment.
Online Start - 16th May – 4 weeks online content starts.
In-Person Workshops 1 – 17th, 18th & 19th June (Fri/Sat/Sun)
In-Person Workshop 2 – 23rd & 24th July (Sat/Sun)
In-Person Workshop 3 – 27th & 28th August (Sat/Sun)
In-Person Workshop 4 – 7th, 8th & 9th October (Fri/Sat/Sun)
In-Person Workshop 5 – 5th & 6th November (Sat/Sun)
Final Assessment - 3rd December (*Teacher Training Students only)
*PAID IN FULL BEFORE 3 APRIL, 2022 - Please contact Nicholas for payment details.
Payments and Payment Plans:
For All Payment Details and Payment Plans - CONTACT NICHOLAS HERE!
$500 deposit upon sign up.
Qi Fit's Refund Policy can be seen here.
Get Qualified
for Qigong
by December 2022

intake limited to 15 students
Please use the contact form below to begin your registration process. Upon registering below you will be contacted by Nicholas within 24 hours to answer any questions you have and/or to confirm your spot and discuss payment options.
about your facilitator
(Dr Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine)
Nicholas has been practising Qigong and the Internal Martial Arts for 25+ years and holds a 4th Degree Instructors Certificate with the Wold Taijiquan Boxing Association. Nicholas is a clinical Acupuncturist with 22 years of experience and works at The Australian Centre for Natural Medicine in Miami on the Gold Coast.
Nicholas also has completed a Certificate 4 in Personal Training and a Graduate Certificate in Education after which he lectured at the Endeavour College of Natural Medicine. Whilst lecturing at Endeavor, Nicholas was given the job of re-writing their Chinese exercise course. Since then has taught qigong and Chinese medicine courses nationally and designed a soon to be released internal movement program called Qi Fit.
Nicholas' aim is to teach people how to build a stronger and more dynamic Qi practice. Nicholas' Qi Fit programs are designed to teach people how to access and develop both the basic and more intricate and advanced levels of internal movement principles and show how this "way of moving" is a powerfully healing exercise system.
Combining his own training and development of internal movement principles as well as his practice of Chinese medicine/Acupuncture combined with his own wellbeing journey, Nicholas is deeply passionate about helping people develop their own self-healing and preventative healthy Qi practices.
Nicholas believes that through practising and teaching the benefits of qigong, internal exercise and individualized self-care practices people can able to help people live healthier, more active and more fulfilling lifestyles. This benefit will naturally flow out into the greater community and aid in the ever-increasing evolution of humanity toward a more holistic, purposeful and peaceful world.
Nicholas holds the following accreditation:
B.H.Sc Acupuncture (22+ years exp.)
4th Degree Instructor - World Taijiquan Boxing Association (26+ years exp.)
Cert 4 Chinese Massage / Tuina (22+ years exp.)
Cert 4 Personal Training
Grad Cert Education UQ
Register with Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association
Registered with AHPRA - Australian Health Professional Regulation Agency